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The adage, "no pain, no gain," does not apply in foot reflexology.
Too many people stay away from the benefits of a good foot reflexology session because of a deeply ingrained cliché:
- A foot reflexology session hurts too much, no thank you!
Sometimes a session can indeed be painful.
Please be reassured! The pain is temporary and goes away quickly as soon as the reflexologist's stimulation of the reflex zone or reflex point ends.
A reflexologist is not there to inflict harm on anyone, quite the contrary!
A professional and experienced reflexologist will adapt his pressure according to the tolerance threshold of an individual. There is a wide variation in the individual reaction to pain dependent on the personal pain threshold.
By definition, even though pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience, it is an information enabling consciousness to experience the body's state to cope with it.
The pain can be considered as a warning signal. It is a sign that a zone is congested.
Once the area has been identified, it is not necessary to prolong this discomfort.
If the pain decreases, simply perform a rhythmic stimulation - pressure, relaxation, pressure, relaxation ... until it disappears.
If the pain is constant, it is sufficient to maintain the pressure to see how it will evolve.
If it increases it is better to work on the surrounding zones in order not to block the affected zone.
In any case, the healing process only occurs when we are in a state of relaxation. It is from this moment that the parasympathetic nervous system is engaged and that the hormones of well-being are secreted - dopamine, endorphin, serotonin - thus inhibiting the production of cortisol, a stress hormone produced by the adrenal glands.
From this point on, the magic of foot reflexology happens and the experience of the session becomes a soothing and relaxing experience both physically and emotionally.
However, if the pain persists, despite all the reflexologist's attention, it is appropriate to do deep breathing exercises. This relaxation technique will induce the secretion of endorphins, pain inhibitors, mainly produced by the hypothalamus. The reflexologist can also apply some soothing and enveloping lymphatic manipulations to "reassure" the body.
Thus the pain will be lessened, the stress reduced, providing a feeling of relaxation and well-being.
If the sensation of pain varies from one individual to another, the messages it delivers is just as random. Therefore the reflexologist must remain vigilant in such a way that he does not unnecessarily alarm the client. The reflexologist cannot conclude the nature of the disturbance, that is to say, he can not establish a diagnosis as an allopathic doctor would.
For example, the pain felt after a slight pressure, for a few seconds, may indicate simple congestion at the level of the stimulated area. In this case, it may indicate that the related system is responding as it should and is proof of the effectiveness of the treatment.
Sometimes, unbearable pain on a specific reflex zone, such as the ovaries, can indicate dysfunction and may require special attention.
Some reflex zones and points are naturally sensitive, depending on the individual. For example, the pituitary gland is hypersensitive to any stimulation and the adrenal glands are hyperactive. This may cause some crispation. In the case of acute diseases, such as gastritis, otitis ... the corresponding reflex zones are painful, as in the case of some chronic diseases such as bronchitis or constipation.
The sensitivity of some reflex zones will highlight an emotional state rather than a physical one. Thus, if the reflex zone of the body and tail of the pancreas is sensitive it is very likely to indicate a sense of frustration. Once identified and awareness raised then the pain will fade away.
Stress and overwork can generate painful reflex zones; for example, the nervous system can be affected during an exam period. Sometimes, a reflex zone that is sensitive during a session and not the next one, can indicate over-fatigue due to an external factor such as a sensitive cervical reflex zone from long hours of computer work.
In most cases, the experience of pain, if properly taken into account by the reflexologist, can be changed from an unpleasant situation to a rather pleasant experience. It is referred to, by some as "exquisite pain" ... and indicates that the energy flow is restored.
It is recommended to stimulate sensitive reflex zones up to five times before stimulating the next zone, and then eventually returning to it.
On the other hand, the absence of pain does not necessarily mean that everything is fine! It does not mean either that the treatment is not effective. The foot can act as a barrier and protect the individual from any unpleasant or aching sensations. Generally, after the second or third session, the sensations are likely to surface, as if the feet opened up, allowing the activation of some self-healing functions of the body.
In summary, the reflexologist must adjust his pressure so that the feeling of pain becomes bearable and the experience pleasant. This is the precondition for the body to be able to tap into its self-healing resources to support and enhance the recovery process and allow physical and mental relaxation.
- A foot reflexology session hurts too much, no thank you!
Sometimes a session can indeed be painful.
Please be reassured! The pain is temporary and goes away quickly as soon as the reflexologist's stimulation of the reflex zone or reflex point ends.
A reflexologist is not there to inflict harm on anyone, quite the contrary!
A professional and experienced reflexologist will adapt his pressure according to the tolerance threshold of an individual. There is a wide variation in the individual reaction to pain dependent on the personal pain threshold.
By definition, even though pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience, it is an information enabling consciousness to experience the body's state to cope with it.
The pain can be considered as a warning signal. It is a sign that a zone is congested.
Once the area has been identified, it is not necessary to prolong this discomfort.
If the pain decreases, simply perform a rhythmic stimulation - pressure, relaxation, pressure, relaxation ... until it disappears.
If the pain is constant, it is sufficient to maintain the pressure to see how it will evolve.
If it increases it is better to work on the surrounding zones in order not to block the affected zone.
In any case, the healing process only occurs when we are in a state of relaxation. It is from this moment that the parasympathetic nervous system is engaged and that the hormones of well-being are secreted - dopamine, endorphin, serotonin - thus inhibiting the production of cortisol, a stress hormone produced by the adrenal glands.
From this point on, the magic of foot reflexology happens and the experience of the session becomes a soothing and relaxing experience both physically and emotionally.
However, if the pain persists, despite all the reflexologist's attention, it is appropriate to do deep breathing exercises. This relaxation technique will induce the secretion of endorphins, pain inhibitors, mainly produced by the hypothalamus. The reflexologist can also apply some soothing and enveloping lymphatic manipulations to "reassure" the body.
Thus the pain will be lessened, the stress reduced, providing a feeling of relaxation and well-being.
If the sensation of pain varies from one individual to another, the messages it delivers is just as random. Therefore the reflexologist must remain vigilant in such a way that he does not unnecessarily alarm the client. The reflexologist cannot conclude the nature of the disturbance, that is to say, he can not establish a diagnosis as an allopathic doctor would.
For example, the pain felt after a slight pressure, for a few seconds, may indicate simple congestion at the level of the stimulated area. In this case, it may indicate that the related system is responding as it should and is proof of the effectiveness of the treatment.
Sometimes, unbearable pain on a specific reflex zone, such as the ovaries, can indicate dysfunction and may require special attention.
Some reflex zones and points are naturally sensitive, depending on the individual. For example, the pituitary gland is hypersensitive to any stimulation and the adrenal glands are hyperactive. This may cause some crispation. In the case of acute diseases, such as gastritis, otitis ... the corresponding reflex zones are painful, as in the case of some chronic diseases such as bronchitis or constipation.
The sensitivity of some reflex zones will highlight an emotional state rather than a physical one. Thus, if the reflex zone of the body and tail of the pancreas is sensitive it is very likely to indicate a sense of frustration. Once identified and awareness raised then the pain will fade away.
Stress and overwork can generate painful reflex zones; for example, the nervous system can be affected during an exam period. Sometimes, a reflex zone that is sensitive during a session and not the next one, can indicate over-fatigue due to an external factor such as a sensitive cervical reflex zone from long hours of computer work.
In most cases, the experience of pain, if properly taken into account by the reflexologist, can be changed from an unpleasant situation to a rather pleasant experience. It is referred to, by some as "exquisite pain" ... and indicates that the energy flow is restored.
It is recommended to stimulate sensitive reflex zones up to five times before stimulating the next zone, and then eventually returning to it.
On the other hand, the absence of pain does not necessarily mean that everything is fine! It does not mean either that the treatment is not effective. The foot can act as a barrier and protect the individual from any unpleasant or aching sensations. Generally, after the second or third session, the sensations are likely to surface, as if the feet opened up, allowing the activation of some self-healing functions of the body.
In summary, the reflexologist must adjust his pressure so that the feeling of pain becomes bearable and the experience pleasant. This is the precondition for the body to be able to tap into its self-healing resources to support and enhance the recovery process and allow physical and mental relaxation.
Dans ce monde, quand une douleur disparaît, et une joie renaît. Toutes s'équilibrent.
- Albert Camus
L'adage selon lequel « on n'a rien sans peine » ne s'applique pas à la réflexologie plantaire.
Un grand nombre de personnes se tiennent éloignées des bienfaits d'une bonne séance de réflexologie plantaire en raison d'un cliché qui a la dent dure :
- Une séance de réflexologie, ça fait trop mal, non merci !
Il est vrai que parfois une séance peut s'avérer douloureuse.
Rassurez-vous ! Cette douleur n'est que passagère, elle ne dure que le temps de la stimulation de la zone réflexe ou du point réflexe par le réflexologue.
Un réflexologue n'est pas là pour vous infliger une séance de torture, bien au contraire !
Un réflexologue professionnel et expérimenté adaptera sa pression en fonction du seuil de tolérance de chaque individu. Chacun d'entre nous ayant une perception différente de la douleur.
Par définition, même si la douleur est une expérience sensorielle et émotionnelle désagréable, elle est une information permettant la prise de conscience de l'état de son corps pour pouvoir y répondre.
La douleur peut être considérée comme un signal d'alarme. Elle est le signe qu'une zone est congestionnée.
Lorsque la zone a été identifiée, il n'est pas nécessaire de prolonger cet inconfort.
Si la douleur diminue, il suffit d'effectuer une stimulation rythmique - pression, détente, pression, détente… jusqu'à ce qu'elle disparaissent.
Si la douleur est constante, il suffit de maintenir la pression pour voir comment elle va évoluer. Si elle augmente il est préférable de travailler les zones alentours pour ne pas bloquer la zone concernée.
Dans tous les cas, le processus de guérison n'intervient que lorsque nous sommes en état de relaxation. C'est à partir de ce moment-là que le système parasympathique est engagé et que les hormones du bien-être sont sécrétées - dopamine, endorphine, sérotonine -, inhibant ainsi la production de cortisol, hormone du stress produite par les glandes surrénales.
Dès lors, la magie de la réflexologie plantaire agit et l' expérience de la séance se transforme en une expérience apaisante et relaxante tant au niveau physique qu'émotionnel.
Si toutefois la douleur persistait, malgré toute l'attention du réflexologue, il est tout à fait indiqué de faire des exercices de respiration profonde. Cette technique de relaxation va induire la sécrétion d'endorphines, inhibitrices de la douleur, principalement produites par l'hypothalamus. Le réflexologue pourra également appliquer quelques manipulations lymphatiques, calmantes et enveloppantes afin de "rassurer" l'organisme.
Ainsi la douleur sera atténuée, le stress réduit et une sensation de bien-être et de relaxation s'emparera de vous.
Si la douleur varie d'un individu à un autre, les messages qu'elle délivre est tout aussi aléatoire. La plus grande prudence est donc recommandée de la part du réflexologue, qui en aucune manière ne doit inutilement vous inquiéter. Le réflexologue ne peut tirer de conclusion sur la nature de la perturbation, c'est-à-dire qu'il ne peut établir de diagnostic comme un médecin allopathique le ferait.
Par exemple, une douleur ressentie suite à une légère pression, pendant quelques secondes, peut indiquer une simple congestion au niveau de la zone stimulée. Dans ce cas elle peut indiquer que le système en question répond comme il le devrait et signifier l'efficacité du traitement.
Parfois, une douleur insoutenable au niveau d'une zone réflexe en particulier, telle que les ovaires, peut fortement indiquer un dysfonctionnement et requérir une attention particulière.
Au demeurant, certaines zones réflexes, certains points sont naturellement sensibles, quelque soit l'individu. Ainsi la glande pituitaire est hypersensible à la moindre stimulation. Les glandes surrénales sont hyperactives et par conséquent font grimacer. Dans le cas de maladies aiguës, telles que la gastrite, l'otite… les zones réflexes correspondantes sont douloureuses, comme dans le cas de certaines pathologies chroniques telles que la bronchite ou la constipation.
La sensibilité de certaines zones mettra en lumière un état émotionnel plutôt que physique. Ainsi la zone réflexe de la queue du pancréas si elle est sensible indiquera une frustration. Une fois que celle-ci aura été exprimée alors la douleur disparaitra.
Le surmenage peut créer des zones reflexes douloureuses comme par exemple le système nerveux en période d'examen. Et parfois une zone réflexe sensible lors d'une séance mais pas à la suivante peut indiquer une simple sur-fatigue en raison d'un facteur extérieur comme par exemple la zone réflexe des cervicales suite à des heures passées penché sur un ordinateur.
Dans la plupart des cas, l'expérience de douleur, si elle est correctement envisagée par le réflexologue, peut se transformer en une expérience assez plaisante. Certains la qualifieront “d'exquise”… et indiquer que le flux d’énergie est restauré.
Quoi qu'il en soit, il est recommandé de stimuler les zones reflexes sensibles au maximum cinq fois d'affiler avant de stimuler la zone suivante, pour ensuite y revenir, le cas échéant.
En revanche, l'absence de sensation douloureuse ne signifie pas nécessairement que tout va très bien ! Elle ne signifie pas non plus que le traitement n’est pas efficace. Le pied peut agir comme une barrière et protéger l'individu de tout ressenti, de toute sensation désagréable. Généralement, au bout de la deuxième ou de la troisième séance, vous commencerez à ressentir des sensations, un peu comme si vos pieds s’ouvraient, autorisant l’activation de certaines fonctions auto-réparatrices de l’organisme.
En resumé, il est évident que le réflexologue doit adapter sa pression de manière à ce que la sensation de douleur, s'il en ait, soit supportable et l'expérience agréable. C'est la condition sine qua non pour le corps ait la possibilité de puiser dans ses ressources d'auto-guérison pour soutenir et améliorer le processus de récupération et permettre la relaxation physique et mentale.
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